Specialties of Florida, April 2017

     Florida has a few specialty birds. That is, bird species that are found only in Florida within USA. I had seen three of them at Ecuador - Smooth-billed Ani, Short-tailed Hawk, Shiny Cowbird. I wasn't interested in the introduced birds that are ABA countable now. I had already seen Limpkin in a previous trip while I was kayaking near Orlando, but I decided to target it for better looks. I did not want to target the pelagic birds that breed at Dry Tortugas, and Antillean Nighthawk for this trip. So that comes to seven birds including Limpkin. I also wanted to see American Crocodile, which can reliably be found at Everglades NP.

Looking at ebird, I came up with the following classification:
  1. Limpkin - easy 
  2. Snail Kite - hard
  3. White-crowned Pigeon - easy
  4. Mangrove Cuckoo - hard
  5. Gray Kingbird - easy
  6. Black-whiskered Vireo - hard
  7. Florida Scrub-jay - moderate

     I kept one day each for the hard and moderate ones. I expected to find the easy ones while looking for the hard ones. I kept one and a half days as buffer for anything missed. In case I found everything, I thought I could relax at one of the famed beaches. So that came to five and a half days. I did not book any motels, and decided to just plan for the next day based on what I needed. Except for the Scrub-jay which is in central FL, the others are in the south.

Day 1:

Florida Scrub-jay
     I took an early morning flight from ATX and arrived at Ft Lauderdale at 9:30 am. I took a rental car, and had a Cuban sandwich and coffee at a restaurant rated well at Yelp. I wanted to finish off the FL endemic 'Florida Scrub-jay'. I saw the southernmost reliable spot for them at Jonathan Dickinson State Park. I drove one-and-a-half hours north from the airport to reach the State Park. I got info from the park ranger to walk a trail that had the most likelihood of seeing it. The place was dry with shrubs and no shade. It was 12:45 pm and hot. I slowly walked on that trail, and within 10 mins found the bird. I was happy to walk back to my car to escape the sun, and try for other birds. The bird which I classified as moderate turned out to be easy.

     I wanted to try for the harder ones first, and saw reports of Black-whiskered Vireo at Spanish River Park. The park was about an hour south, and charged 20$ for entry! I walked the trails slowly, pausing at various places to look for the Vireo. I took a break and went through a beach access tunnel to the nearby beach to see the shorebirds. Then I continued the slow walks along various parts of the park. I saw good birds, but none of my targets: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/S35930025. After three hours, I decided to quit the search. Miami was  one hour south, and it was not possible to reach before sun-down. I decided to try my luck for one of the countable parrots and headed to Richardson Historic Park and Nature Preserve. The place wasn't birdy. I made the plan for day 2, dedicated to Black-whiskered Vireo. I chose Bill Baggs Cape Florida SP for it. In addition I could get a Magnificent Frigatebird along Key Biscayne. 

Day 2:

From Lighthouse at Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park
     I walked a trail at Bill Baggs Cape Florida SP. A Merlin fly by, a few Palm Warblers, and a Prairie Warbler which was a lifer, kept me interested initially. It was hot and humid. I did the full trail, which did not produce any more birds. I had a huge lizard 'Black Spinytail Iguana' on the way back. I learnt that it was an introduced lizard. I drove to another section of the park, and got closer to the sea. I saw a male Magnificent Frigatebird, which was my third lifer of the trip. There were a lot of tourists on this section, and I climbed up a lighthouse for the sake of it. I got good views of the park from it. I did not get the Vireo I was looking for. I decided to head to Everglades for a change. 

     I arrived at the NP sometime in the afternoon, and walked the Anhinga Trail. I have seen all the birds that I could see in that area in the Texas coast, but anyway wanted to do it since it is one of the top things to do within the NP. There were a lot of fishes and I tried some fish photography. The best sight was a Florida Gar with a Blue Gill in its mouth. I stopped at various view points and reached Eco Pond, which is the place the park visitor center recommended for the American  Crocodile. I forgot to carry insect repellent, and as a consequence got bit by huge mosquitoes. If I stopped walking they were all over me. I did not change to hiking shoes and got uncomfortable with the mosquitoes. I pricked my foot on some stick while walking along some brushes and bled a little. I started running to escape the mosquitoes and with the humid weather I was sweating. For all this effort I was not rewarded with the Crocodile. I went to Flamingo Visitor Center to consult someone to find a Croc. The guy recommended West Lake area and called out to his wife to get her opinion. In a good fortune another lady overheard and told me she had a Croc just there. We walked a few steps and she showed me one floating!

     I wanted to catch the sunset at Pine Glades Lake, and was on the road. I saw a couple of birds which appeared like Doves/Pigeons. White-crowned Pigeon was on my list. I turned around and headed back to the tree where it landed. It was indeed a couple of 'White-crowned Pigeons'. It was the first bird of the day that was in my target list. I stopped at various points on the way to the sunset spot from a general national park visit point of view. I was hoping for a Mangrove Cuckoo due to the vast Mangroves present at a couple of spots, but did not even hear it's call. So, I made plans to see Mangrove Cuckoo and Black-whiskered Vireo the next day.

Day 3:

White-crowned Pigeon
     I started a little late and went to Key Largo Hammock Botanical State Park. I walked a 2 mile loop trail and an extra 1 mile along a spur trail. I got to see White-crowned Pigeon at a closer range. Apart from that it was completely unbirdy. 
     I then went to John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park for the Cuckoo. The mangrove trail was closed due to flooding, but there were a few spots with mangroves. I looked around for a while and turned back in my car when a Kingbird flew past me. I turned back and got better looks to id it as a 'Gray Kingbird'. One more tick on my target list. I talked to a ranger who happened to drive around and he recommended a trail and a spot for the Cuckoo. I spent some time at the spot and had no luck. I walked the trail with no luck. I went back to the spot and had bread and Choc-hazelnut spread for lunch, wishing the Cuckoo makes an appearance. 
Gray Kingbird
There was loud music being played, and I decided to go to another State Park - Long Key State Park, which had reports of a Black-whispered Vireo. I took a 2.5 mile trail, which started with a section of boardwalk over Mangroves. I was keeping an eye for the Cuckoo. Then the trail went close to the sea and a drier area. It was hot and humid in the afternoon. There was little bird activity. There was a calling White-eyed Vireo, and a lone male Merlin perched at a distance. The trail continued to an area with short trees and shrubs which meant no shade. There was a lot of water at some point on the trail. I did not know if the trail continued until a European tourist mentioned a path through the water to what appeared like the continuation of the trail. Since I had slippers I was OK to walk on water, and continued. I was tired after the walk in the humid sun. I reached a point where I ended up on the road. When I was tired and droopy, I heard the Black-whiskered Vireo! 
Black-whiskered Vireo
I went to the tree where it was calling from and searched for a good few minutes. Then I saw something of the correct size fly to another tree. I couldn't locate it and it stopped calling. Now at least I knew the bird was in this locality. I waited. It started calling again from a nearby tree which was short in height. Now at least I need not have to look up and search. I took some time to locate the bird which was very still and calling from right in the open. I was relieved to find this bird after searches spanning across three days. Now I felt some enthusiasm and decided to try for the Mangrove Cuckoo again. I went back to the places I went earlier but in the reverse order. 

Prairie Warbler - male
     At  John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park I went to the spot with Mangrove trees and walked a bit. I saw a beautiful male Prairie Warbler at a closer distance with evening sunlight falling on it to help me take a photo. With no Cuckoo, I headed to Key Largo Hammock Botanical State Park and did a smaller loop of 1.5 miles. I stayed till sunset with no luck. I got two of my targets today, but for the effort I put for the Cuckoo I was disappointed. I planned for the next day. I decided to target Snail Kite, which I knew would be hard. Shark Valley section of Everglades NP was the closest place for them.

Day 4:

American Alligator with kids
     The road north of the NP (US 41) had some sightings of Snail Kites. So, I kept an eye on the sky. Only Vultures were present. The Shark Valley visitor center guy told me a spot 3 miles one way by road which had to be hiked or cycled to. He said they were nesting there. Nesting does not guarantee a sighting as the Kites could be feeding somewhere else. It was past 11 am, partly cloudy but not too hot. I decided to cycle the loop which was 15 miles in total. I did it anti-clockwise. The road to the Observation tower was straight and followed water on the right side. There were Alligators every few meters at some sections. An interesting sighting was two young ones calling and moving around with an adult nearby. I saw Alligators at various phases of their growth.
Cycling the 15 mile loop at Shark Valley
An immature Green Heron and feeding Great-blue and Tri-colored Herons, immature Black-crowned Night-heron, and a Limpkin were the other birds. After I got the Limpkin I felt a relief. Snail Kite and Mangrove Cuckoo were the only targets remaining. I continued and went to the Observation Tower which traditionally had some chances for the Kite. With no luck, I started taking the other road back to the visitor center which was zig-zagging. All along there were no trees, but I had a hat, and the heat was going up. I scanned the sides of the roads but maintained a high speed until I got to the nesting sight. I stopped here for a while and had no luck. Another group of birders that I met earlier on the trail wanted the Snail Kite too. We looked around for another 10 mins. With no sign of them, we reluctantly decided to call if off. I pedaled hard and finished the rest of the trail quickly. In total it was 15 miles, which took three hours with all the stops. I returned the bicycle and had some ice-cream. Though I did not find the Kite, the experience was good. I would rate it at as the best thing to do at Everglades NP.

     I saw reports at a couple of places for Kites that were on the west. In particular Hans Marsh had sightings whenever people visited. Gulf-coast visitor center of Everglades was a few miles detour from my route to Hans Marsh. I also saw some sightings of the Mangrove Cuckoo on the west coast. So I decided to explore this side of Florida the next day. After A pitstop at the Gulf-coast visitor center, I headed to Hans Marsh. I put a gps location and drove to find no proper access. I saw little bird activity in the place except low flyovers which meant birds were nearby. I tried to walk over what I thought was hard clay only to find my legs sink in. I headed back to the car and washed my slippers with water. On looking at google maps street view, I found an access to a water body. Snail Kites feed mainly on Apple Snails which are near water. There was a huge smoke nearby and soon a lot of vehicles with sirens arrived. Looked like another wild fire broke out. I headed to the new location which had people fishing or walking. I walked a little and found a family of Sandhill Cranes. It was good to see a chick feed with its parent. After a while I could see another adult and a chick. The two adults walked with one of the chicks, constantly feeding. The other chick was busy pecking on the ground and did not notice the rest. After a while it made a dash to join it's family! I saw group feeding by Tri-colored Herons, Little Blue Herons, Snowy Egrets, and Glossy Ibis. Glossy Ibis is rare in TX and it was the first time I saw one in US. Of course I have seen a million of them at Chennai. There were a few shorebirds, but I had seen them all earlier. I scanned the trees for any sitting Snail Kites and walked around. There was no sign of them. I saw a non hotspot area marked on eBird which was near this river but further up. I put the coordinates in gps and drove
Snail Shells thrown by Snail Kites
Snail Kite - female
Snail Kite - male
towards it. I was crossing a bridge when I notied a raptor sitting on a wire. I immediate parked on the side of the road after I crossed the bridge. It was indeed a female Snail Kite. I went a little close for pics but the angle and lighting weren't good. I decided to leave, but then thought I can try for better photos. After a while a couple of other Kites joined and the one I was looking at initially flew to a Pine tree, where I could get a relatively better photo. One of the other Kites was a male. I observed the Kites for a little more time just because I spent three hours cycling, 2.5 hours driving, 1 hour walking! Dark clouds were gathering and I decided to go to Fort Meyers for the night. 'Mangrove Cuckoo' was the only one left. I thought I had a whole day to get it tomorrow. I went to the Fort Meyers beach to watch the sunset, and was met with showers on the way. The sky to the west did not clear up when I reached the beach. The beach had whitish sand and a good number of people, and appeared touristy. After cycling and driving I was tired and decided to sleep well.

Day 5:

     I woke up late and still sore on the legs. I realized that I cycled after years. I went to Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. There were a lot of Mangrove trees and Calusa Shell Mound Trail was my best chance for Mangrove Cuckoo. It wasn't a guarantee though, but I had the whole day to explore. I slowly drove through the wildlife drive, which had a potential too. Ospreys were nesting at various places. I did not see anything much of interest and arrived at the trail head. The trail itself was only a 0.3 miles loop. I did it thrice before giving up. I decided to try another location 'San Carlos Bay (Bunche Beach Preserve)' which was crowded with people. After a 30 minute search for the Cuckoo, it was time for lunch. I drove a little to the east to have some non-buffet Indian food which was surprisingly good! I decided to try Ding Darling NWR again. This time I changed my mindset to not think of the Cuckoo but to just relax and enjoy nature. I drove even more slowly along the wildlife drive, looking at the common birds, photographing Common Ground-doves, making stops at various points, one of which had a lot of 'Tree Crabs'.
Tree Crab
I saw a Brush Rabbit and some warblers, fishes jumping. I did the Calusa Shell Mound Trail for the final search of the day. I did it once and decided to do one more. No luck. I decided on a third and final loop. This time I saw a male 'Cape May Warbler'. I had seen one many years ago at Raleigh,NC. I photographed a Raccoon for the first time. This day was dedicated for the Cuckoo and it was a no show.

     After sundown, I started planning for the next day. A place close to Miami called 'Black Point Marina' had a sighting of the Cuckoo recently. I had to catch a flight at 4 pm. The buffer of 1.5 days was turning out to be useful. I decided to get up early to maximize my chances. I had some pizza (with eggplants) slices and took the rest as togo. I drove for about 3 hours, which was the longest stretch of driving on this trip.

Day 6:

Mangrove Cuckoo
     I was nervous in the morning and at the same time excited that I might finally find the Mangrove Cuckoo. I headed to the park and walked a bit. The place was huge and I did not know where to go. I found some mangroves, where I decided to concentrate my efforts. I crossed a small bridge over water with mangroves all around. On the other side there was a birder on the phone. He immediately took the phone away and quickly pointed me to an area where he said he had the Cuckoo. I hurried to the spot and looked around. There was a Yellow-crowned Night-heron feeding on a puddle. Something matching the Cuckoo's silhouette flew. Maybe it was the Cuckoo! It called to confirm the id and I was cursing myself for not spotting it earlier. It had gone a little deeper and no way I could walk on a mangrove swamp. I played a recording of the call from my phone and it flew into a tree over me to investigate. It remained there and hopped around offering me good views. Lighting was bad in the morning due to haze and mild clouds, but I could get one decent picture. Now I heaved a sigh of relief. All targets achieved!

     I had time, so I went to Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park to see if I could get a Whimbrel or Northern Gannets migrating over the sea. I had no luck, but I can always get them in TX coast (two weeks later I got the Whimbrels at TX). It was windy and sand was striking my face. I decided to move on. I saw a large green lizard 'Green Iguana' on the way to the car. On reading further it is also a non-native invasive species. I called up the local temple to know the timings and made it in time before they closed. After thanking the gods for the successful trip, which could have gone the other way, I headed to an Indian restaurant for some food, and tea mainly. There was absolute crap for buffet, and fortunately they had ala carte. I wasn't impressed with that either and had some bhel puri and a huge cup of Chai.

     At the end of the trip, I was exhausted. Except for one night I did not do a crazy amount of driving. It was walking in the humid weather which made me tired. Walking 8 miles or 10 miles even with 1000 or 2000 feet elevation gain at some of the national parks in interior USA did not tire me this much. Running 10 miles at Austin wasn't this tiring, but walking 1 mile in the humid and hot weather was harder. It reminded me of my home town where walking a km or two in hot days would tire you. In short, this was a tiring trip. There wasn't much in terms of bird diversity or numbers. I had to work hard for three birds. Like I hoped I got the easy targets while I was looking for the harder targets. This trip gave me eight lifers, six of which can be found only in Florida within USA, including one bird endemic to Florida. Two weeks later I was to find the Black-whiskered Vireo in High Island,Texas! Apparently a strong wind from the east blew it off course while migrating to Florida. Three weeks later I was to find eight lifers in a few hours of birding at Victoria County, Rockport and Port Aransas in TX. Such is birding. 



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